Monday, January 31, 2005

Silver, Strong & Perini

...Multiple Intelligence Indicators for Adults

I definitely have a problem with the use of the word intelligence as it denotes something that is up on a pedestal that we should aspire to obtain. The Golden Fleece as it were. I don't mind using the word abilities or skill sets because each of us knows that we can't be good at everything. There are areas where we are better (Interpersonal--38) and ones where we suck (Naturalist--15!). I think that when we label someone with an IQ score, we fail to take into account many factors. Where for example do cultural biases come into play? Are we not stigmitizing someone or categorizing them as "potential failures" because they don't score well on a standardized IQ test as perhaps "the WASP kid from the middle class home" that lives down the street? I would feel better knowing that my abilities lie in relating to people and music than in being able to name all six quarks in physics....


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